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Sat Jun 21, 2014, 12:58 am

At these levels you can start getting equipment with 3 stat bonuses on it, and enough trait points to make builds that begin to resemble end game play.

Start looking online for viable pve builds for your class (if you haven't already).  Ask members who are experienced in your class for advice.  This has two purposes: the build you run will dictate what gear you want to acquire, and the focused spending of trait points in the build will help you kill things faster (and thus get gear faster).
Note that the most effective builds for wvw are often different than regular pve. So if you want to do wvw and challenging pve content, consider working toward 2 sets of gear.

Get enough money to buy your trait books (if you haven't already).

Continue to do guild missions 1x week. At these levels you should be able to do all of them.  Continue to make an effort to get relevant waypoints in advance.

Pay more attention to the world event timer; you will get rare items from these events that will help you make money (by salvaging or selling on the trading post). You generally don't need help from the guild yo do these, though guild members will often put notes in gold chat when certain world events are up.  We have a link to the timer on the website main page. The website is:

Look for guild dungeon runs where they don't mind "carrying" someone (most speed runs and groups using the lfg tool expect you to be 80 and with a good build for that dungeon and good gear).  Ask nicely, because you will slow a group down (your traits and gear just won't be as good as a lvl 80).  Use teamspeak to make it easier for experienced members to explain what you need to know.
At these levels, you are basically limited to AC (Ascalonian Catacombs), CM (Caudecus Manor), TA (Twilight Arbor), SE (Sorrow's Embrace).
You should also be on the lookout for story mode dungeons in the lfg tool.  The guild rarely runs these as most of them are long and not profitable (and not all that interesting after doing them once).

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