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Sat Jun 21, 2014, 2:07 am

Dulfy New Player Guide -

Ten Things All GW2 Players Should Know -


Sat Jun 21, 2014, 2:08 am

If you're leveling your first character (new new people), salvaging your items will give you mats, which you can use for crafting to help level your character. If you're planning on making a LEGENDARY OMG make sure you hang on to your tier 6 mats and ectos, don't waste your karma on karma gear, as you can get gear from dungeons. Each legendary takes 250 of each t6 mat, over a million karma, and various other mats depending on which legendary you're going for. So it's muy importado that you hang on to them if you want to make a legendary without having to sit around farming mats, or buy them on the trade post (they're expensive as fugg).[/quote]

Typically the two things that hold people back from making a legendary are 1.) The precursor 2.) T6 mats 3.) Karma. So if you want a legendary through the path of least resistance, sell/spend wisely.

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