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Sat Jun 21, 2014, 12:31 am

We are currently reviewing all the member ranks in guild.

If you would like to be ranked up, let us know why in this thread .
We will not create custom ranks for individuals or groups because you want it to be named something.
Please include your gw2 username and your main characters name in the post (username.1234)
- What you contribute to the guild or can contribute such as leading WvW, leading guild missions, inviting people to dungeons, recruiting, always participating in guild events , helping new members etc.
- You've been in the guild X amount of time and always rep and will never leave.

Please no dumb ass responses, use the other threads for that.

Royal Assassin
Demonic Queen
Putrid Princess
Vile Prince
Witch Quagan

Sat Jun 21, 2014, 12:36 am

Oh good iniative Arod :) I hope our members will check that. Adding my 2cents to it, with a "current"] basic description of some of roles/ranks (which might change);

if you want to involve yourself in the recruitment for the good of our guild (no trolls) and you feel you can do it better than me (which is not hard) : it's the ranks above witch quaggans, with Incubus being the rank for only recruiting basically.Fuzzy would welcome heartily any potential recruiters ;)

if you feel able  to run guild missions: it's Putrid princess, and the ranks above it.

The other ranks in between are a bit ambiguous, we welcome any suggestion to define roles, like wvw commander, pvp leader, or anything else....

Lastly, if you feel you can do better than Fuzzy or Arod for our guild, you can write here a convincing argument, CV, of your abilities ...  :D

Sat Jun 21, 2014, 12:39 am

[quote=@1093397]Lastly, if you feel you can do better than Fuzzy or Arod for our guild, you can write here a convincing argument, CV, of your abilities ...  :D[/quote] lemme guess, incoming troll comments?  :p 

Just another thing I want to point out is if you are on other servers and recruit is to be sure to mention that the guild is mainly an AR guild. Just stating this from past instances because new people joining can easily be turned off by not seeing many guildies running around and people not in WvW.


Sat Jun 21, 2014, 12:42 am

So I've come into a bit of a conundrum about ranking today. I feel like there should be a specific rank for our friends who are only in TWIN for GMs. Today, for example, I found one person in TWIN recruiting for TDE the 100% rep guild, so I asked him what was up. He's only in TWIN for GMs. I don't feel like they should be minion'd. Since minions are a step away from getting kicked to make room for my Queensdale nooblet babies. There should be a way to differentiate who's a friend of TWIN for GMs and who's a never-on/never-repping slacker face.

Sat Jun 21, 2014, 12:44 am

Hmm normally the ones who are only repping for gms are zombies , not minions, I guess you came on the exception, (and I don't think we have a lot of minions) So yeah we already been having a way to differentiate the non active/non repping people from those "gm's friends" for quite a time ;)

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